NYC: Be there Aug. 26: Women’s Equality Day & Black Lives Matter speak-out



Download Aug. 26 leaflets

August 26 marks the

95th Anniversary
of the

Legal Right to Vote for Women

Share stories, cultural presentations to show
that women’s lives demand respect & dignity

WED, AUG 26th
 6 pm8 pm

UNION SQUARE and 14th St
between University & Broadway Manhattan

Stand Up on this day to show our commitment to ending ALL forms of attacks on Women’s Human Rights, including violence and exploitation – political and economic.

RAISE YOUR VOICE and STAND alongside our Indigenous, Black, Latina, Asian, Muslim, Arab, lesbian, bisexual and transgender sisters, women with disabilities, along with other poor, working women & girls around the world.

 DEMAND:    * Union Jobs With Equal Pay
* Quality & Affordable Housing
* Health Care          * Education
* The Right to Reproductive Justice
* Paid Maternity & Family Medical Leave
* No to Sexual Abuse Including Rape
* Stop Police Brutality and End Mass Incarceration
* No to War & Occupation

Join the International Working Women’s Day Coalition for a speak-out to link this historic occasion with today’s struggles impacting women here and worldwide. What became a massive women’s movement began in 1848 in Seneca Falls, N.Y. At the first national women’s rights  convention in 1850, Sojourner Truth, an African-American warrior against slavery and for women’s rights, inflamed the crowd when she exposed the racist abuse, exploitation and “Invisibleness” of women of African descent both in the women’s movement and across the country. Her famous speech ‘Ain’t I a Woman’ echoed those sentiments.

Today we must remain vigilant:

The Right of African-Americans,Latinos/as, Indigenous & Immigrants To Vote Must Not Be Denied.
