Ramsey Clark, an optimist

 by Gavrielle Gemma

For years I worked alongside Teresa Gutierrez in the offices of Ramsey Clark to focus opposition to U.S. imperialism.  From Voices from Panama at Town Hall in NYC, the Peace for Cuba Appeal – a thousands-strong historic gathering in the Javits Convention Center historic gathering — to the National Coalition Against U.S. Intervention in Iraq – each were made possible because he offered an office and meeting space inside his law firm.  Many a client was lost or mystified by our encampment.

Throughout the years Ramsey was exceptional in his optimism. He was only impatient if the pace of a coalition or protest seemed too slow to meet the urgent situation. He supported and prodded. He never sought or looked for personal acclaim. His trip to countries under attack by U.S. imperialism were often in dangerous conditions.  He was no globe trotter seeking fame.  He viewed his trips as breaking the U.S. blockade on truth and solidarity.

Most especially his legacy must be remembered for its most important aspect.  Too many in the progressive movement, then and now, merely echo a watered-down version of capitalist propaganda. They seek respectability as a loyal opposition to the capitalist system – the economic foundation of U.S. imperialism. This respectability is a curse that continues today, especially by those bowing to the Biden administration.

Honor Ramsey by loudly repudiating the Biden administration, which is backing the genocide in Palestine, the government of Colombia and Haiti, while the poorest drown in the blood of U.S. weaponry and economic war causing hunger, illnesses and death. Ramsey believed in the mass struggle, not by polite stroking of politicians or being part of the establishment.  It is critical to winning the hearts and minds of the U.S. working class to distance ourselves and expose the bosses and profit mongers behind the attacks on China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran or the colonized, trod upon countries that are drowning in imperialist financial indebtedness, dictates, war, and sanctions. We cannot succeed by giving an ounce of credibility to the lies of the state department, administration, Congress and billionaires they all serve. That was Ramsey’s goal, and during his life he never wavered.

