SOCIALIST PARTY OF BANGLADESH (MARXIST) has condoled deeply on the death of Ramsey Clark

SOCIALIST PARTY OF BANGLADESH (MARXIST) has condoled deeply on the death of Ramsey Clark

Comrade Mubinul Haider Chowdhury, General Secretary of  SOCIALIST PARTY OF BANGLADESH  (MARXIST) has condoled deeply on the death of Ramsey Clark(93), the lusty and valiant fighter of world peace movement against the imperialist wars and the ex Attorney General of United States of America and expressed revolutionary tributes to the militant memories of him.

In the given statement to the newspapers he mentioned, ” People subjected to conspiratorial  aggression by the imperialists has lost a sincere friend and a valiant warfare who stood firmly by the side of oppressed humanity worldwide. Accompanying with the legal battle against the unfair war imposed by the imperialists including America, for protecting human rights and civil rights he did a tireless toil to organise people movements on these issues lifelong and dedicated himself to the purpose.

He led a prior role to draft the historical VOTING RIGHTS ACT(1965) and CIVIL RIGHTS ACT(1968) of America. While still in office as Attorney General, Ramsay Clark advocated for the American Civil Rights movement. He played a strong role and ensured legal protection against state repression. Today, capitalist governments around the world, including in our own country, are spying on the telephone, undermining the privacy of citizens, but the judiciary is silent. But Clark declined a request by FBI director to wiretap Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the leader of American Civil Rights Movement. Two days later, King was assassinated. In the uprisings that ensued, Clark threatened to prosecute Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley if the mayor’s announced “shoot to kill” order was used.

He spoke out against the killing of millions of children during the Bush administration’s siege of Iraq and called for Bush to be brought to justice for his role in the genocide. He served as president and played an active role in the anti-war movement when the anti-war organization International Action Center was formed. He also organized protests in the United States against the US-led NATO invasion of Yugoslavia. He was at the forefront of the anti-war movement on American soil against the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. During Saddam Hussein’s trial, he traveled to Iraq as Saddam’s lawyer in 2005 to protest the US-backed trial of imperialism. An international delegation led by him visited Cuba at various times, including emergency medicine and relief, as a sign of international solidarity, ignoring US sanctions. In 2006, the International Anti-Imperialist and People’s Solidarity Co-ordinating Committee (IAPSCC) was formed in Kolkata, India. Clark was elected chairman of the committee. He has traveled to more than 100 countries around the world to protest against the imperialist war and aggression and to show solidarity with the people’s movement.

Ramsey Clark’s unique contribution to the anti-imperialist peace movement, human rights and civil rights movement in the world and his lifelong struggle will be immortalized as a great inspiration and example.

On behalf of our party, we pay our deepest respects to the struggling memory of Ramsey Clark

Sent by

Manas Nandy

Member, central working committee



