May 1, May 2, May 15 NAKBA DAY: Important Events for Palestine in NYC

Important upcoming events from the NY4Palestine Coalition…



Date: Monday, May 2

Time: 6:00PM
Location: NYU School of Law, Vanderbilt Hall Rm. 210, 40 Washington Square South, New York NY

Description: On May 14, 1948, 18-year-old Mariam Fathallah, her family, and the rest of the Palestinian town of Al-Zeeb were forced out of their homes and into Lebanon. By the end of the year, their 4,000 year-old community was leveled and half of all Palestinians in Palestine had been killed or expelled. Palestinians know this event as the Nakba (“the catastrophe”). Mariam, now 86 years old and respectfully known as Umm Akram, has spent the last 68 years in crowded, makeshift refugee camps, where she has raised three generations of children who are waiting to return to their homes in Palestine. She has lived through 5 Israeli invasions of Lebanon and the 1976 Tel Al-Zaatar camp massacre which killed 2,000 refugees.

Amena El-Ashkar, 23, is the granddaughter and great granddaughter of Nakba survivors and has known no home other than a refugee camp.

Umm Akram and Amena are among six million Palestinians not living in Palestine. They are citizens of no country. Come hear their story.

Middle Eastern dinner will be served.

Hosted by NY4Palestine

May Day 2016: Palestine Contingent at Union Square
Sunday, May 1
12:00 pm
14th Street – Union Square West Side (next to Starbucks)
Join NYC SJP and our allies as we rally for workers rights and Palestinian liberation!The history of May Day focuses on the struggle of the working class against capitalist exploitation, yet this struggle is inextricably bound up with the struggle of Palestinians against Zionist settler-colonialism. In recent years we witnessed a brutal assault on Palestine by the Zionist state which claimed thousands of lives and left hundreds of thousands of Gazans homeless, the trumped-up conviction of Palestinian organizer Rasmea Odeh, the rapid expansion of settlements in the West Bank, and the ever-expanding continuation of the Nakba. Read more…
Protest to free Sami Janazrah and Stop G4S
Friday, April 29
4:00 pm
G4S Office – 19 W. 44th St
On Friday, Palestinian political prisoner Sami Janazrah will reach the 58th day of a hunger strike to protest his “administrative detention,” military internment by Israeli occupation forces without charge or trial. Janazrah, age 43, is one of 700 “administrative detainees” out of 7,000 Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel. Demand G4S immediately end its contracts with Israeli prisons and detention centers, occupation and security forces and checkpoints, and that Israel release administrative detainees and all Palestinian political prisoners. Support the Palestinian people, the Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian Resistance, and the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Read more…


Sunday, May 15
1:30 pm
Rally at City Hall Park in Manhattan followed by March on Brooklyn Bridge to Cadman Plaza Park

On the 68th anniversary of the occupation of Palestine, and as the Palestinian people enter the 68th year of dispossession and exile, we call on all Palestinians, friends of Palestine and supporters of justice and liberation to come together to march and rally, commemorate the Nakba, stand against the continuing Nakba, and call for the right of return for Palestinian refugees and freedom for Palestine.

68 years after the Nakba – the war of 1948 in which over 800,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and land and the state of Israel created on that land – Palestinians continue to struggle for their right to return, for freedom from occupation, for justice, and against the Nakba that continues today.

After a rally at City Hall, we will march over the Brooklyn Bridge for an afternoon of Palestine-focused and family-friendly activities at Cadman Plaza Park.
