Site icon International Action Center

We pledge unity and solidarity with all those coming to Cleveland to fight Trump and the RNC


As anti-Trump/RNC activists:

We pledge unity and solidarity with all those coming to Cleveland to fight Trump and the RNC, whether in planned or spontaneous actions.

Unity Pledge Endorsers

Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly
Black on Black Crime, Inc.
Carl Stokes Brigade
Burning River Anarchist Distro
Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC
Community Labor United for Postal Jobs and Services
Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus (formally Bernie Sanders for President )
Food Not Bombs, Lake County/Cleveland
Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network
International Action Center
Labor Against Racist Terror
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War and Injustice
Moorehead-Lilly 2016 for President and Vice President
OPEIU local 1794
Picture the Struggle
Parents for Improved School Transportation (PIST)
Solidarity Center, NYC
Stop Targeting Ohio’s Poor
Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement
Workers World Party
