All out in Solidarity with Charlotte – Sat., Sept 24 1pm


A call to mobilize 1,000s against police violence
Saturday, September 24th | 1pm
March starting from Marshall Park in Uptown Charlotte | 800 East 3rd St.

All ages, rain or shine
Invitation from The Tribe CLT and Charlotte Trans and Queer People of Color Collective

Come to Charlotte this Saturday to stand with us and gather together.

On Tuesday, our brother and neighbor Keith Lamont Scott was killed by Charlotte police. He was sitting in his car, reading a book, and waiting for his son to come home on the school bus. We believe he was profiled and killed by police, and that CMPD is not telling the truth about his murder.

Tuesday night, Charlotte police attacked a grieving community with riot police and tear gas. Wednesday night, Charlotte police fired into a crowd, seriously injuring a protestor and inflaming our grief.

Today, our city is occupied by the National Guard and we are in a State of Emergency!

Charlotte, the latest city to be wrecked by police violence against Black people and violence against Black people, is a national crisis. We need to end this epidemic now! Let’s show the nation that we stand against police violence that targets Black people and our communities. Let’s show that Charlotte, and the nation, will no longer tolerate the routine murders of Black people by an unaccountable system of policing.
Come to Charlotte to make a historic stand and to demand dignity and respect for Black lives.

We are: Charlotte Tribe, Charlotte Trans and Queer People of Color Collective, Charlotte SURJ, Ignite NC, Black Youth Project-Durham Chapter, Beloved Community Center, Youth Organizing Institute , Southern Vision Alliance, Durham Solidarity Center, Workers World Party, Queer People Of Color Collective GSO, NC TROUBLMakers, Million Hoodies, Black University.

