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NYC: Mon. Aug. 14 12pm @ U.N. – Emergency Rally: Do Not Provoke War with North Korea! Please Join!

Monday, AUG 14 @ 12 pm
Do Not Provoke War
with North Korea!
Please Join Us!

Emergency Rally Demanding Trump:
Do Not Provoke War with North Korea

Monday, Aug. 14 @ 12 pm -1 pm
U.N. Headquarters
1st Avenue btwn 43rd & 44th Streets,
across the street from the U.N.

Organized by Korean American and U.S.-based peace activist organizations and Individuals calling on theTrump Administration to STOP U.S. War Provocations aimed at North Korea

Peace friends,

Thank you for taking the time to consider this urgent request.

We ask you join us next Monday, Aug. 14 at 12pm, across the street from the U.N. on 1st Ave between 43rd and 44th streets to hold an emergency rally demanding the Trump administration STOP its war threats and provocations against North Korea.

In response to Trump’s recent comments about unleashing “fire and fury” upon North Korea, several groups and individuals across the country have already responded. There are petitions being circulated and on Wednesday (8/9), an emergency rally — organized by groups like CODEPINK and MoveOn — was held in Washington D.C. in front of the White House.

We hope that many Korean Americans as well as U.S.-based peace activist groups and individuals can join together to raise our voices and make it clear to the Trump administration, as well as allies of the U.S. that have supported sanctions and a policy of military hostility against North Korea, that war is not a way towards peace. The only way to prevent a nuclear disaster is for the Trump administration to stop its threats of pre-emptive strike on North Korea, stop the military exercises that simulate the invasion of North Korea, and work towards creating opportunities for peaceful dialogue with the North Korean government.

Too many lives including those of Koreans, Americans, and so many others in the Asia Pacific region are at risk of being destroyed by another potential U.S. war in Korea.

We ask that you and other supporters of peace please join us on Monday, Aug. 14 from 12 pm to 1 pm to say
“No to War, Yes to Peace!”

With great appreciation and in solidarity,

Korean American Peace Activists