When: Thursday, August 17, 8am
Where: Durham County Courthouse, 510 S. Dillard St., Durham
Stand in Solidarity with Charlottesville Anti-racist and Anti-fascist Activists! Support Takiyah Thompson and all arrestees! Drop the Charges!https://www.facebook.com/events/1923827401230913/Are you willing to be in solidarity with people being targeted for the action where the Confederate statue in Durham was toppled? Together we will all link arms and march into the Durham County Sheriff’s Department inside the new Courthouse and turn ourselves in for working for racial justice and an end to white supremacy. Wear black.The Durham County Sheriff’s Department arrested Takiyah Thompson and several other people who they allege are responsible for toppling the hate monument. Through home raids, ambush arrests, and combing through videos to actively investigate charges for others, they are waging a campaign of intimidation against racial justice organizers. We need to show that there is widespread public support. Turn-in and turn up against white supremacy!There will be a public demonstration in front of the courthouse. Bring signs (Drop the Charges! End White Supremacy).Loan, Dante and possibly others will appear in court in the same building at 9am. After the rally, pack the courtroom – room 4D.Other supportive actions you can take (thank you!):
1. Call the DA at 919-808-3010 and press 4 to get a real person. Tell them to drop all charges!
2. Support Takiyah! Please donate and share everywhere : https://venmo.com/solidarity-takiyah
Support #TakiyahThompson Takiyah is a freedom fighter and needs the movement’s support. Her security and her job is threatened by her actions the past few days participating in an action that took down a Confederate statue in solidarity with #Charlottesville. She will not be able to work or earn an income. She is asking that we prioritize circulating this fundraising page so that she can support her own living expenses until this all cools down. #BlackLivesMatter #NoNewKKK #TearEmDown #PeoplesPower #Durham
3. Organize a local solidarity action; write local solidarity statements; and write letters to the editors of local papers around North Carolina and the US.

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