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NYC: Oct 27 Forum : Korean people’s struggle against U.S. militarism

War, Korea & Military Bases
October 27, 2017,
Friday,   7 – 9 pm

@ Solidarity Center
147 W. 24th Street, 2nd Fl., NYC

A South Korean anti-war activist and musician, Joyakgol, is coming to NYC. He has been at the frontline of local villager struggles to stop the expansion  of US military bases, to shut down South Korea’s Jeju Island naval base, to prevent the installation of THAAD missiles which enable a first strike, and to conserve marine life.
Come to discuss a sustainable  peace and the Korean people’s struggle against militarism in East Asia at this time of Trump’s nuclear war threats in the Korean peninsula.
Sponsored by: Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, International Action Center, US Peace Council, Granny Peace Brigade, Catholic Workers, Veterans for Peace – NYC Chapter 34, Peace Action New York State, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and Brooklyn For Peace.
