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Sat. May 19 Washington DC — Trump Must Go! Rally in support of Haitian and all immigrants

Get on the bus to Washington, DC

National Rally in front of the White House
in Lafayette Park

Saturday, May 19
12 Noon to 4 pm

Bus is leaving from Haïti Liberté newspaper office in
Brooklyn, 1583 Albany Avenue near Glenwood Road.
Please call 718-421-0162 to reserve a seat.
Tickets are $40. Please there by 6 am at the latest.

For the New Jersey bus, please call 201-836-4738

On Jan. 11, on the eve of the eighth anniversary of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, President Donald Trump called Haiti a sh-thole country, along with El Salvador and African nations. He continues racist and anti-immigrant policies and provocative statements, especially against Black and Brown peoples.

In response, Haitians, Africans and Latinx people from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia and Canada will converge on Washington D.C. the day after May 18, Haitian Flag Day, on the anniversary of Malcolm X’s birthday.

The 1804 Movement for All Immigrants is supported by FANM, Veye Yo and the Boston Bus Drivers Union. The 1804 Movement is named “1804” because that’s date of Haitian independence. The movement can be reached at

Members of the 1804 Movement include 1199SEIU, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), Club dies Amis d’Haïti Liberté (CAHL),
Dec. 12th Movement, Equality for Flatbush, Fanmi Lavalas, Free Mumia Coalition, Haïti Liberté, Haitian Enforcement Against Racism (HEAR), Haiti Solidarity Network of the NorthEast (HSNNE), International Support Haiti Network (ISHN), Konbit Ayisyen pou Kore Lakay (KAKOLA), Konfederasyon Vodou Ayisyen (KNVA)-New York, Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Peoples Power Assemblies (PPA), Refuse Fascism, Socialist Action, Tout Haiti, Voix & Tambours, Workers World Party (WWP) and many individual activists