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NYC: Sun. Oct 7: NO to Endless US Wars

Afghanistan to Yemen, END the Wars:
U.S. Troops OUT – Syria to Korea
Sunday  OCT 7  @ 3pm
Herald Square,
34th St & 6 Ave & Broadway, NYC

Join anti-war, solidarity and community groups in NYC on Sunday,October 7th at 3pm to remember 17 years of war in Afghanistan.

Along with Afghanistan, we will be highlighting the U.S. wars that cause massive displacement and destruction in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, the Philippines, Palestine, Libya, Korea. US sanctions and blockades threaten Venezuela, Iran, Korea and Cuba.

Endless wars abroad means repression, raids and racism at home.
We demand:

    1. End the wars.
    2.  U.S. Troops and Bases Out!
    3.  Money for jobs, education and healthcare.

We will be rallying at Herald Square with some speeches and cultural performances, then marching to various locations that represent US imperialism.

Here is the Facebook link. 
Invite others. Spread the word.


Endorsing Organizations: