Emergency Actions Called: U.S. Hands off Venezuela! No U.S.-backed Coup!
January 25, 2019

The Venezuelan people took to the streets of Caracas on Jan. 23 in a huge popular mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution.
Find/ Add an action: U.S. Hands off Venezuela! No to the coup!
Workers all over the world have a stake in Venezuela’s future. While the U.S. government strangles millions of workers here by shutting down social services over Trump’s racist wall, the Pentagon remains open for business and is taking aggressive action against workers abroad.
A previously unknown puppet acting in U.S. interests named Juan Guaidó arrogantly swore himself in as President of Venezuela on Jan. 23 against the wishes of the people of Venezuela. He called the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, a usurper. This is a lie. Maduro was democratically elected by the people of Venezuela — twice!
Guaidó’s backers in Trump’s White House, fascist leader of Brazil Bolsonaro, and all other regional puppets of the U.S. government have already eagerly accepted Guaidó as one of their own, even as he cowers in the Colombian embassy in Caracas. They want to wipe out the gains made by Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chávez from the pages of history. Iraq war architect John Bolton says that regime change in oil-rich Venezuela is a “big business opportunity.”
We must be shoulder-to-shoulder with our class in Venezuela and fight back! The struggle for Bolivarian Venezuela’s future is a struggle all class-conscious workers worldwide must take part in. If workers want free health care, strong labor rights, an end to racism, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and a decent society to raise children in, we must mobilize to defend Venezuela’s gains.
Silence is not an option!
The International Action Center and Workers World Party, along with many other progressive organizations, have called for national mobilizations in support and defense of the Bolivarian revolution. Join us in the streets at these important actions!
Venezuela Actions List
This is a partial list of actions called by many organizations. Sign up to add your event using this form.
Tucson, AZ
Emergency Rally! Hands Off Venezuela!
Thursday, January 24, 5–6 PM MST
300 W. Congress St.
Los Angeles, CA
Protest Rally: Hands Off Venezuela! Stop the Coup!
Thursday, January 24, 6–8 PM PST
6430 Sunset Blvd.
San Francisco, CA
Emergency Rally: Respect Venezuelan Sovereignty!
Friday, January 25, 5–7 PM PST
24th and Mission
Washington, D.C.
Rally to Support the Bolivarian Revolution and President Maduro!
Saturday, January 26, 1–3 PM EST
The White House
Doral, FL
Saturday, January 26, 1–3 PM EST
9405 NW 41st St.
Pensacola, FL
Emergency Demo! Imperialist Hands Off Venezuela!
Friday, January 25, 11–1 PM CST
700 S. Palafox St.
Atlanta, GA
NO Coup, No Military Intervention: Hands Off Venezuela!
Friday, January 25, 4:30–6 PM CST
Five Points, downtown
Chicago, IL
Hands Off Venezuela! Emergency Demonstration
Tuesday, January 29, 5:30–7:30 PM CST
Federal Center and Plaza, 219 S. Dearborn St.
Boston, MA
Emergency Action! Say NO to U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela!
Friday, January 25, 5:30–6:30 PM EST
Copley Square, 560 Boylston St.
Raleigh, NC
Saturday, February 2, 2019
1 PM – 3 PM
Halifax Mall – 16 W. Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27601
Durham, NC
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! Emergency Rally!
Albuquerque, NM
Emergency Action! Say NO to U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela!
Thursday, January 24, 5–6:30 PM MST
UNM Bookstore at Central Ave. & Cornell Dr. SE
Buffalo, NY: See report-back below
Delmar, NY
New York, NY
Solidarity with Venezuela & Bolivarian Revolution
Thursday, January 24, 6–8 PM EST
Venezuelan Consulate
7 E. 51st St.
New York, NY
Stop Regime Change Against Venezuela!
Defend Latin American Sovereignty!
Defend the Cuban Revolution!
Saturday, January 26, Noon
Cuban Mission to the United Nations
38th St. & Lexington Ave.
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, January 26, 12–2 PM EST
Philadelphia City Hall, 1450 JFK Blvd.
Houston, TX
No Coup! No U.S. Intervention! Solidarity with Venezuela!
Monday, January 28
4:30 – 5:30 CST
Mickey Leland Federal Building, 1919 Smith Street at St. Joseph Parkway
Salt Lake City, UT
Saturday, January 26, 12–1:30 PM MST
Wallace Bennett Federal Building
125 S. State St.
(Revolutionary Bolivar and Zamore Current (CBRZ))
Buffalo activists brave storm to defend Venezuela gov’t
January 25, 2019
Jan. 25 — At 7:30 a.m. today, intrepid organizers and activists in snowy, cold and windy Buffalo, N.Y., put up a banner on the overpass facing traffic on the busiest downtown expressway. The banner read, “U.S. Hands Off Venezuela, NO Intervention, NO Coup!” and was greeted with enthusiastic honks of support from rush-hour drivers. The action was initiated by the following groups including Buffalo International Action Center, Buffalo Democratic Socialists of America, Buffalo Spring Action 2018, Burning Books, Workers World Party and more.
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