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NYC: Sat. June 22: Laundry Workers Center emergency action at Sunshine Shirt!


Shame on Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center
We Demand: Rehire Ricarda and Maria IMMEDIATELY

Sharon and Huanxin Chen– firing workers for organizing is an egregious and unlawful retaliation that we will not tolerate.

Join us June 22nd, 1pm
Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center
7719 5th Ave, Bay Ridge, BK

Laundromat Leaders Ricarda and Maria, Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center

Emergency PicketSaturday, June 22nd, at 1pm
Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center
7719 5th Ave, Bay Ridge, BK.On Saturday June 15th, workers Ricarda and Maria of Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center were unjustly fired. Owners Sharon and Huanxin Chen sent letters to the workers stating that their jobs were terminated because the business had closed.
Sin verguenza! 
This was a lie. Sunshine Shirt Laundry Center did not close. It has continued to operate business as usual. The center is open and receiving clients.Ricarda and Maria need your support. On Saturday, we are bringing the power of community to Sunshine Shirt’s door. We will raise our voices to demand justice for laundromat workers. All in for this Saturday– please join us!
Urgent News: Abuse on the Picket LineThis Saturday, we need as many supporters as possible to join the picket, not only for justice, but for safety. Today, as we fliered outside Sunshine Shirt, Ricarda was physically accosted by the owner of the building. She came out of the building, grabbed Ricarda by the neck, and hit her in the face. The assault came as a surprise, since Ricarda’s fight is with the business owned by Sharon and Huanxin Chen, and not the landlady of the building.

We hold Sharon and Huanxin Chen accountable for this or any assault on our picket line. Now, more than ever, we need everyone who is able to join us on Saturday at 1pm to show Ricarda, Maria, and laundry workers everywhere– we stand beside you, no matter what.

Call Sharon and Huanxin Chen.
Demand they rehire the workers and put an end to physical assaults:
Call (718) 921-3447 or (646) 379-8926

Help Our Members Continue To Fight– Donate Today to LWC
Laundry Workers Center’s political philosophy is rooted in organizing workers and building their leadership skills and political power through a variety of worker-lead tools and tactics,  including taking direct action at the workplace, serving as their own voice to media outlets, speaking out as member of this community, and acting as their own advocates at the negotiation table.
Laundry Workers Center’s political philosophy is rooted in organizing workers and building their leadership skills and political power through a variety of worker-lead tools and tactics,  including taking direct action at the workplace, serving as their own voice to media outlets, speaking out as member of this community, and acting as their own advocates at the negotiation table.