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NYC – Fri., Oct.25: End Greyhound Collaboration with ICE! at GWB Bus Station – Solidarity Actions Across the Country

GATHER AT 179th Street and BROADWAY! 6 PM – 9 PMEveryday across the U.S., ICE, DHS and Border Patrol agents board buses with Greyhound’s permission and attempt to detain migrants. We demand Greyhound end all collaboration with ICE and Border Patrol. Greyhound is NOT required to allow immigration agents onto it’s buses and should stop all collaboration immediately. Buses are for transportation, not deportation!

To bus passengers & drivers:
ICE, DHS and Border Patrol agents have NO RIGHT to board buses & ask about immigration status. If agents board your bus, It’s OK to speak up for yourself and others, if you feel safe.
You can say: “ICE has no right to do this! ICE has no warrants! You don’t have to show your ID.”

Call Greyhound (2148498966) and tell them: ICE, DHS and Border Patrol off our buses. Buses are for transportation, not deportation!

ICE fuera de nuestros autobuses
¡Termina la colaboración de Greyhound con ICE!

Cierra los campamentos
Abolir a ICE
Termina la guerra contra los migrantes

FIRE (Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere) People’s Power Assemblies NYC and the Laundry Workers Center
Twitter: @PPAssemblies
IG: PeoplesPowerAssemblyNYC


Greyhound: End Collaboration with ICE!

Friday, October 25 6pm

George Washington Bridge Bus Station (179th St and Broadway, Washington Heights)