March & Rally: What are you hiding, Wendy’s?
Monday, November 18 at 5PM
Trian Partners (280 Park Ave, near E 49th St.)
We will gather at 280 Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan at 5pm, march will kick off at 5:30pM
Please email organize@allianceforfairfood.
Farmworkers with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) have built the Fair Food Program, a uniquely successful program of worker-led monitoring and enforcement that has ended sexual harassment, forced labor and other long-standing human rights violations in the fields.
All of the largest fast-food companies — McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Taco Bell and Chipotle — along with nine other major food retailers, from Whole Foods to Walmart, have joined.
But for years now, Wendy’s has stubbornly refused to open its supply chain to the Fair Food Program. Instead, Wendy’s has turned to widely-discredited, for-profit social auditing companies to monitor its suppliers’ operations.
These infrequent, superficial audits effectively deny the workers who harvest Wendy’s produce a voice if their rights are violated and leave them vulnerable to rampant sexual assault, widespread violence and systemic wage theft.
If there truly are no human rights violations occurring in Wendy’s suppliers’ operations, why not join the Fair Food Program, the most comprehensive, most widely-respected human rights program in agriculture?
On November 18, farmworkers from Immokalee, together with their consumer allies, will return to Manhattan for a major march demanding real transparency and human rights protections in Wendy’s supply chain. We will march to the hedge fund Trian Partners, Wendy’s largest institutional shareholder and the home office of several members of Wendy’s Board of Directors.
Wendy’s, it’s time to stop hiding!