From professional athletes in every sport, to unions demanding cops out of our unions, to labor calls for shut downs in defense of the most oppressed workers, a combative fightback is growing across the country. Anti-racist, working class power, expressed through our ability to shut down the capitalist’s profits by withholding our labor, is on the rise.
This growing revolt, led by oppressed youth, is rapidly gaining new allies. This resistance deserves our unconditional support.
As extreme racist and fascist thugs operate with open police and presidential backing, new defense tactics are an urgent need. We will be discussing strategies for defending our class from vigilante attacks and mounting austerity.
It is time for the organized working class to defend the most oppressed of our class and put into action the famous slogan of the working class movement, “An injury to one is an injury to all!” In this Workers World Party webinar, we will hear from efforts across the U.S. to build this working class solidarity against racism. |
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