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Fascist coup NO! Workers power YES!

January 6, 2021

Workers World Party statement

Wednesday, Jan. 6 — The coup attempt today in Washington, D.C., and the mobilization of a fascist mob numbering in the tens of thousands, must be viewed with the utmost seriousness. 

While the attack took the form of an assault on the U.S. Capitol building, Congress and the “institution of democracy” — halting for hours the Constitutionally mandated approval of the presidential election — these white-supremacist forces pose the greatest threat to the working class, especially the most oppressed. Their political aim is to crush with an iron fist every expression, even the most modest, of workers rights, social justice and Black Lives Matter.

Capitalist politicians in both major parties are falling all over each other to disassociate themselves from the would-be coup makers — and from Trump the instigator. But the failure of the state apparatus especially the police to prevent an outright invasion — however short-lived — of the citadel of U.S. political power shows that those in power are unreliable, inept and in no way up to the task of beating back a fascist threat. 

Contrast how easily the white supremacists entered the Capitol with the brutal police suppression of Black Lives Matter protests around the country, including in Washington, D.C.

We — the workers and oppressed within the U.S. — cannot depend on the state to prevent violent, KKK-like attacks, especially those on workers of color who are and always have been the fascists’ primary targets. When have the Democrats and Republicans ever offered any real protection?

The fascist movement within the U.S. — for whom today’s mobilization marked a turning point in the worst way — demands a mass, independent response from the working class. 

This day poses again the question in the old union standard: “Which side are you on?” 

The power of working people, both in the streets and at the point of production, must be wielded to push back the continued rise of this fascist movement. 

We call on all of our side’s organizations: the unions, the youth, the Black Lives Matter movement, im/migrants, people with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ people, women’s and gender-nonconforming people’s movements, and all working people — including unemployed, low wage, health care, transit, public sector, blue collar, gig, education, incarcerated and sex workers — to mobilize to crush the white supremacist fascist forces. 

General Strike Now! SHUT IT DOWN!