Join the LGBTQ+ Caucus of Workers World Party and friends for a discussion about the critical issues facing our communities. As we enter Pride month, 33 state legislatures are debating 117 bills that if passed would deny basic civil rights to trans people. Why is 2021 a record breaking year for such bigoted legislation. Why are trans youth being targeted?
At the same time, after more than a year of being locked down due to COVID-19, we are continuously faced with the twin epidemics of rampant racist police terror against the Black and Brown communities and US-financed occupation, bombings, and murder of Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza.
While the many Pride marches and activities may be virtual this year, the time is now to organize as the LGBTQ+ communities to defend trans youth and demand that cops and colonizers be thrown out of Pride for good!
Join us this Thursday, June 17, 8 p.m. Eastern time/ 5 p.m. Pacific time to celebrate the Trans Week of Action against anti-trans legislation, and to plan our campaign for justice at home and abroad against the violence and terror of all cops and colonizers.
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