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Free Julian Assange OAKLAND Sat. June 26 Alice Walker, Ellsberg, Chomsky, Mumia, Assange’s dad brother

Freedom for Julian Assange, San Francisco Bay Area Presents:

John and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother of award-winning Australian journalist Julian Assange, as their nationwide tour stops in the Bay Area. They are raising awareness of the importance of protecting whistleblowers and journalists and calling on the U.S. government to drop its prosecution and finally let Julian come home.

Joining the Shiptons live are Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Alice Walker and Pentagon Papers defendant and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. Noam Chomsky, linguist and author, and Mamia Abu-Jamal, innocent political prisoner and journalist, will be joining via Zoom.

Additional Speakers Include:
  • Joe Lombardo, National Coordinator UNAC
  • Cynthia Papermaster, CODEPINK
  • Jeff Mackler, National Steering Committee,
  • Dennis Bernstein, host of KPFA’s Flashpoints
  • Nozomi Hayase, author, WikiLeaks, the Global Fourth Estate: History Is Happening
  • and more…

Saturday, June 26, 2021 – 2:00 PM
Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
1433 Madison Street
Oakland, CA 94612
$20 – $10 sliding scale admission at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds. Wheelchair accessible with advanced notice.

Masks and Social Distancing Requirements Observed

Sponsored By:

Freedom for Julian Assange, San Francisco Bay Area
affiliated with the National

Co-Sponsored By:

Courage Foundation ( • San Francisco Bay Area National Lawyers Guild
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal • Black Alliance for Peace • Socialist Action
Code Pink, Golden Gate and nationally • United National Antiwar Coalition • International Action Center
Syria Solidarity Movement • Peninsula Peace and Justice Center • Peace and Freedom Party
Green Party of Alameda County • U.S. Peace Council • BAYAN USA • Haiti Action Committee
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee • Task Force on the Americas
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center • Workers World Party • San Jose Peace and Justice Center
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom • Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange

For additional information: Online donations: