Webinar – NATO: “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today” – MONDAY, APRIL 4th: Workers Assembly Against NATO – 5:00PM ET (22:00 GMT)


NATO: “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today”

April 4 1949 – US Commanded NATO Military Alliance is founded

April 4 1967 – Dr. Martin Luther King condemns U.S. military aggression in Vietnam

April 4 1968 – Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King

April 4 is a key date to recall Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous condemnation of the U.S. as “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World.”

This April 4th, we ask:

WHAT is the real function of NATO?
WHY does NATO keep expanding?
WHY is NATO the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today?

A Workers Assembly Against NATO raises the historic role of NATO as a U.S. weapon to push back the gains of the working class and impose Wall Street rule. Hear workers around the world define what is at stake in this war, including:

Leonid Ilderkin
Ukrainian communist in exile, member of coordination council of the Union of Political Refugees and Political Prisoners of Ukraine.

Kristen Richardson Jordan
Harlem City Council member attacked by media for denouncing NATO’s criminal role in Ukraine

Ashaki Binta
Black Workers for Justice in North Carolina, labor activist and union organizer.

Milos Raickovich
Serbian musician / composer and CUNY lecturer, who saw his country destroyed by 78 days of NATO bombing in 1999.

Joe Piette
Retired US Postal Worker and Vietnam veteran

and Larry Holmes
First Secretary of Workers World Party

We will also be joined by one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Swaziland, the opposition to the only absolute monarchy in Africa

And Sara Flounders & Teddie Kelly of the International Action Center

