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Jan 13 Bronx and NYC Bus to March on Washington for Gaza

NYC bus to DC
Saturday January 13
March on Washington for Gaza


6:00 am Grand Concourse & 149th Street, Bronx
(in front of the P.O.)
organized by the Bronx Anti-War Coalition

6:30 am 121 West 27 Street, Manhattan
Workers World Party office

Use this Eventbrite link and indicate which pickup location you want:

Resistance is Justified when people are occupied!
Israeli – U.S. bombs are genocide! 

The International Action Center has endorsed and is building the mass rally organized by the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine. We are helping to organize transportation. It’s urgent to take the message to Washington. It is U.S. funds, arms and full support that is responsible for this genocide against Palestine.

Through your donations and many others, we can subsidize bus seats for students and fixed income activists at only $30 round trip.  Regular seats will be $60 round trip.  If you can’t attend, then please financially help others participate.

Reserve your seat now!

Use this Eventbrite link: