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Oregon, coalition supports Palestine Resistance on May Day

May 10, 2024
By Jey Clayton

Portland, Oregon

On May Day, months of struggle and organization among a diverse group of organizations and parties bore fruit with a rally that defied expectations. At least 15 distinct groups brought out 200 people. They formed new collective bonds and built relationships in order to strengthen the fight against capitalism and its many vestiges of imperialism and settler colonialism.

Banner leads May Day event in Portland, Oregon. Photo: Lyn Neeley

The emphasis this May Day was the fight against Zionist apartheid and the genocide against Palestinians. The crowd paid close attention to the over 15 speakers and cultural performances, including music and poetry.

Nzinga from the All African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) conveyed the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist sentiment of the action perfectly with a militant denunciation of U.S. imperialism and the Israeli settler state. The coalition intends to continue to meet and plan actions together as the struggle continues and new alliances bring anti-imperialist forces closer to this goal in the overall war against capitalism.