Protest the NATO WAR Summit in Washington, D.C., July 6-7

Protest the NATO WAR Summit in Washington, D.C.
July 6-7
No to 75 years of imperialist NATO wars!
Free Palestine!

On July 6 – 7, meet the war criminals with protests and people’s summits.

Join us in Washington, DC!

Saturday, July 6 


Resist NATO – People’s Summit 

5 PM – 9 PM

@ New York Ave Presbyterian Church,

13th St, H St., NY Ave. NW

Speakers include: Nicaraguan Ambassador, Lautaro Sandino,

As well as speakers from the Palestinian Youth Movement, The Black Alliance for Peace, BAYAN USA, Students for Justice in Palestine, All African People’s Revolutionary Party, International League for People’s Struggle, Nodutdol, United National Antiwar Coalition(UNAC), Workers World Party and others.


Sunday, July 7,

 March and Rallies

Resist NATO Coalition rally,

12 PM, McPherson Sq.

@ 15th St & K St. NW,

1:00 PM March to White House

@ Lafayette Sq.

 Join rally organized by No to NATO Coalition

Followed by a march and youth speak out

For more information to register and more:
