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Webinar, June 23: VENEZUELA – High Stakes Election Threatened by US Sanctions

VENEZUELA – High Stakes Election Threatened by US Sanctions

Sponsored by: Venezuela Solidarity Network & SanctionsKill Campaign
 Hosted by UNAC.
On July 28, Venezuelans will vote on whether the Bolivarian Revolution, initiated by Hugo Chavez in 1998, will continue under his successor and incumbent, Nicholas Maduro.
The corporate media deliberately ignores the biggest threat to free and fair elections, US interference and its threat to continue the so-called sanctions, which are designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change.
Moderator Sara Flounders, 
SanctionsKill Campaign
Speaker Joe Emersberger, 
co-author, Extraordinary Threat on US Empire & Coup attemps in Venezuela
Speaker, Maria Paz Victor, PhD, Canadian-Venezualan sociologist, academic and activist
Tune into this challenging Webinar on TUESDAY, July 23, 7 PM EST/ 4 PM PST.

Learn more about the criminal role of strangling U.S. sanctions on Venezuela today and the determination of the people to RESIST.

Sponsored by Venezuela Solidarity Network & SanctionsKill Campaign. Hosted by UNAC.