March on the DNC: Meet up with Workers World Party on Aug 19, 2024 in Chicago

Workers World Party is organizing in multiple cities to build a delegation to the March on the Democratic National Convention.

The main march, one of a number of actions, is taking place on Monday, August 19. Over 200 organizations have joined the March on the DNC Coalition. Workers World Party is part of this Coalition that expects tens of thousands of determined protesters to turn out for this historic action, organized as a March for Palestine.

The mass protest rejects both the Democratic and Republican parties and their commitment to endless imperialist war.

As states:  the Democratic Party is a tool of billionaires and corporations and only serves the agenda of the rich and powerful.


WWP will have a literature table at the gathering site at Union Park, from 10 am CT, until the march steps off.

Stop by and pick up free copies of Workers World newspaper. We’ll have signs and banners with a strong political message. March with us or just stop by to visit.

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