Black History month Forum in NY–zoom video
On February 20th the NY branch of Workers World Party held a special Black History month forum in tribute to Malcolm X. The speakers were Monica Moorehead — WW managing editor and editor of the book, “Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle”, George Qarmout –a Palestinian activist and organizer with the Masar Badil – Youth and Student Network, Betty Davis — co founder of New Abolitionist Movement, member of Black Is Back Coalition and long time Community Control Public Education advocate, and Larry Holmes, Workers World Party’s First Secretary
Individual talks of speakers
Larry Homes, 1st Secretary, Workers World Party. He also announces an important strategy meeting on March 2.:
Monica Moorehead,Workers World newspaper managing editor and editor of the book, “Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle”:
George Qarmout, Palestinian activist and organizer with Mansur Badil–youth and student network:
Betty Davis, co-founder, New Abolitionist Movement, member of the Black is Back Coalition, longtime Community Control of Public Education advocate: