Who killed Vanessa Guillén? Women of color devalued under capitalism By Teresa Gutierrez July 8, 2020 Houston, July 4. Thousands shout, ‘Shut down Fort Hood.’ The case of Pfc. Vanessa [...]
Two more monuments to racism bite the dust in Boston July 10, 2020 By G. Lechat Boston Black Lives Matter rebellion power brought down two controversial statues here, one of [...]
Release San Quentin prisoners immediately! By Judy Greenspan July 8, 2020 Oakland, Calif. July 5 — After a large prisoner transfer to San Quentin State Prison [...]
Protesters say: ‘Free Mumia!’ in Philadelphia on July 4 By Ted Kelly July 8, 2020 July 4, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA “Y’all are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” Pam [...]
‘End police brutality’ with new forms of union solidarity By Ed Childs and G. Lechat posted on July 8, 2020 A rally and march against police brutality called by UNITE HERE Local [...]
Black Lives Matter rewrites history By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 8, 2020 A statue of Christopher Columbus is toppled into Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on July 4. [...]
Elijah McClain’s life mattered — abolish the police! By Monica Moorehead July 7, 2020 Elijah McClain was a 23-year-old massage therapist who lived in Aurora, Colo., outside of [...]
Lakota treaty defenders block highway to Mount Rushmore Trump traffic By Stephanie Tromblay July 6, 2020 Indigenous protesters blocked roadway to Trump rally at Mount Rushmore, July 3. On the [...]
Mount Rushmore defense of genocide July 6, 2020 Indigenous protesters blocked roadway to Trump rally at Mount Rushmore, July 3. Just when we thought things [...]
U.S. imperialism means we can’t breathe! Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere released this statement on July 5. Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees [...]
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