Massive general strike in Brazil displays people power By Addison Gaddis May 5, 2017 Almir Rogério da Silva, known as Mizito, president of Sindsaúde ABC and Federação dos [...]
Trump, the gangster president The ruling class is responsible for keeping Trump in office and for every racist, reactionary thing he does. Trump is their [...]
Puerto Rico on the move By Berta Joubert-Ceci May 3, 2017 Even before International Workers’ Day — May Day — a very important advance had been [...]
MAY DAY By Deirdre Griswold May 3, 2017 Los Angeles May Day is back. This glorious day to honor working-class struggle began in the [...]
Korea: The facts, please April 26, 2017 Deputy Foreign Minister Sin Hong Chol on Al Jazeera. Here are the facts that the U.S. media ignore about [...]
End racist war on migrants By Teresa Gutierrez April 26, 2017 Teresa Gutierrez Ultra-racists and warmongers like Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, John [...]
Banks and for-profit prisons grow rich on deportations By Betsey Piette April 27, 2017 While millions of migrant and refugee families struggle under a climate of fear fueled by [...]
Trump backs Erdoğan regime in Turkey By Chris Fry April 29, 2017 Thousands in Paris protest Turkey’s detention of a pro-Kurdish party’s leaders. With just [...]
Trump escalates U.S. war in Somalia By Abayomi Azikiwe April 29, 2017 United States President Donald Trump has pledged to intensify the war against the people [...]
Mexican electricians send May Day solidarity April 30, 2017 Mexican compañeras and compañeros in the United States, Please accept fraternal greetings of solidarity [...]
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