Kaepernick ‘effect’ grows with every police atrocity By Monica Moorehead October 5, 2016 Tindley Accelerated School volleyball team kneels in protest, Oct 1. Oct. 3 — Since [...]
Lessons of the Clinton-Trump debate By Teresa Gutierrez October 5, 2016 CNN reported that the Sept. 26 debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton [...]
Haiti faces election tampering, clolera, hurricane By G. Dunkel October 5, 2016 Port-au-Prince, Haiti The first round of presidential and parliamentary elections in Haiti is [...]
Charlotte Uprising pushes back the state By Fred Goldstein October 5, 2016 The truly heroic forces of the Charlotte Uprising have carried out a great struggle to get [...]
Save the date: December 9: Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed. He is Innocent! Be in Philadelphia! SAVE THE DATE–DECEMBER 9 Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed. He is Innocent! Join in a renewed fight for his freedom Be in [...]
Ashes or lilies: Alabama & environmental health, justice By Minnie Bruce Pratt October 3, 2016 Lilies blooming in the Cahaba River at Hargrove Shoals, Alabama. Centreville, Ala. [...]
Charlotte Uprising demands changes September 27, 2016 Charlotte Uprising issued the following demands in response to the police killings of Keith L. Scott and [...]
Police terror ignites CHARLOTTE UPRISING September 27, 2016 By Cathey Stanley and Alissa Ellis Charlotte, N.C. “We are freedom fighters and we must be in the [...]
URGENT Action Needed to Stop Ongoing Repression of Protestors in Charlotte, NC S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R CharlotteUprising.com 9/29/2016 * * * URGENT ACTION NEEDED * * * We [...]
Tues., Oct. 4 – Charlotte Uprising National Day of Action; Solidarity Urgently Needed! S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R CharlotteUprising.com /10/2/2016 TUES, OCT 4: A Call for [...]
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