Revolution holds firm on principles By Cheryl LaBash December 27, 2015 One year ago, U.S. President Barack Obama admitted what the world already knew. In five [...]
Rx company mergers put meds out of reach for millions By Betsey Piette December 21, 2015 Around 170 million people globally are chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus. [...]
Videos expose lies in SFPD killing of Mario Woods By Terri Kay December 16, 2015 Oakland, Calif. — The Black community of Bayview Hunter’s Point in San Francisco has [...]
White Coats for Black lives By Gene Clancy December 21, 2015 On Dec. 10, University of Rochester medical students, joined by some faculty and staff, [...]
Baltimore activists decry hung jury for killer cop December 22, 2015 Baltimore activists erupted in anger Dec. 16 when they heard that the jury was [...]
Interview with woman fighter in Lugansk Republic January 1, 2016 The International Action Center is publishing this interview with a young militia fighter in the Lugansk [...]
Veterans for Peace says ‘Free Bowe Bergdahl!’ January 1, 2016 The following is the statement of Veterans for Peace on the case of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Veterans For Peace [...]
FARC Peace Delegation comments on agreement on victims January 1, 2016 The following is a message from the FARC-EP [Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army] [...]
Tamir Rice family: ‘Race is still a problem’ January 1, 2016 12-year-old Tamir Rice, killed by Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann Nov. 22, 2014. The following is [...]
Chicago cops kill two more, protests mount By Jill White January 1, 2016 Dec. 30 — Police here shot and killed Quintonio LeGreir, 19, a college student home on break [...]
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