Lessons from Chile, 1973 September 11, 2023 Fifty years ago, on Sept. 11, 1973, the generals and admirals in the Chilean armed forces led a coup [...]
International Conference, Rome, Oct. 27: For a true and just peace: Stop the Third World War! June 15, 2023 This is a statement posted by the initiators of a call for an international conference to end the war in [...]
France Out of Africa! U.S. and NATO Too! September 12, 2023 Organizations and individuals can sign on to the statement by going to the December 12 Movement website [...]
Anti-LGBTQ2S+ bigotry behind yet another fatal hate crime August 29, 2023 Lauri Carleton, a clothing store owner in Cedar Glen, California, and a staunch ally of the LGBTQ2S+ [...]
DeSantis and Jacksonville racist killings September 4, 2023 Once again racism raised its ugly head in a violent manner. A racist shooter killed three Black people [...]
Protect Wet’suwet’en land! By Will Hodgkinson August 29, 2023 New details have emerged about the militarized campaign of state and corporate [...]
Release of Fukushima wastewater threatens workers By Otis Grotewohl September 4, 2023 The Japanese government began releasing wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant into [...]
No U.S./U.N.-backed military intervention in Haiti By G. Dunkel September 7, 2023 The United States has been looking for a new way to intervene in Haiti for nearly two years. [...]
From Managua/Solidarity delegation joins Nicaragua’s celebration of 1979 revolution By Danny O’Brien September 8, 2023 Managua, Nicaragua O’Brien, from Portland, Ore., and Mairead Skehan-Gillis from [...]
The left’s reaction to the BRICS By Manuel Raposo September 8, 2023 The author is editor of jornalmudardevida.net, a Portuguese Marxist web magazine. [...]
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