Can workers in Spain stop EU limit on social spending for COVID-19 crisis? By Ángeles Maestro March 17, 2020 Red Network, Madrid Ángeles Maestro is a public health doctor, a leader of the Red [...]
Virus triggers capitalist chaos By Deirdre Griswold March 17, 2020 March 16 — The stock market collapsed today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average of stock [...]
COVID-19 exposes failure of U.S. health care March 16, 2020 In this pandemic, people in the U.S. should be questioning why the current capitalist health care system [...]
How China has controlled the virus By Joshua Hanks March 16, 2020 A stamp from China circa 1973 commemorates the “barefoot doctors” who brought health [...]
How profits drive the capitalist crisis By Deirdre Griswold March 16, 2020 Credit: Liza Green This disease is very serious, it’s now worldwide, and it will impact [...]
Wall Street’s worst crisis since ’08 By Larry Holmes March 16, 2020 It is entirely possible that we are at the beginning of what could be the most serious and [...]
Washington’s war drive bumps into COVID-19 By John Catalinotto March 16, 2020 March 15 — The Pentagon’s plans to practice war conflicted with the spread of [...]
NYC Solidarity Center closed until future notice due to COVID-19 Solidarity Center Closed until further notice In response to the continuing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the Solidarity [...]
The battle over Venezuela’s oil in the struggle to defeat U.S. sanctions By Marco Terrugi March 13, 2020 Caracas Published Feb. 28 in Translation by Michael Otto. The United [...]
Venezuela still resists for Hugo Chávez By Marco Teruggi March 13, 2020 Caracas Published in on March 5. Translation by Michael Otto. Seven [...]
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