Haitians say ‘Where’s the money? Give it back! By G. Dunkel October 27, 2018 Haitian youth protest government corruption. October 17 is a national holiday in Haiti, [...]
Mass rallies in Brazil say ‘No to Bolsonaro’ By John Catalinotto October 27, 2018 PT candidate Fernando Haddad (center) at march of 50,000 people in Fortaleza, [...]
Sat, Oct 27: Emergency Int’l Peoples Tribunal on U.S. Colonial Crimes in Puerto Rico in NYC Join us to hear from: Rafael Cancel Miranda, NYSNA President Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, Oscar López Rivera, Heriberto Marín, [...]
The evidence is there: Release Mumia now! By Betsey Piette October 24, 2018 Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! On Oct. 29, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal will be back in court in [...]
Activists expose collaboration of cops and fascists By John Catalinotto October 24, 2018 Sofia Adams of the Peoples Power Assemblies. “The police will not keep us safe. We [...]
Fleeing crisis ‘made in USA,’ Honduran migrants march into Mexico By Sam Ordóñez October 24, 2018 Oct. 22 — A caravan of thousands of migrants, including small children, traveling to the [...]
NYC: Oct.26: Rally at the U.N. for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Join us for: THE UNITED NATIONS RALLY FOR Aafia Siddiqui Friday, OCT 26 – Starting time 4 pm 2nd Ave. & 47th ST., [...]
OCT 27: Int’l Tribunal on U.S. Colonial Crimes in Puerto Rico / Tribunal Internacional de Crímenes Coloniales de los Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico PuertoRicoTribunal.org En EL Espanol From Buffalo, New York, to Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles to New York City; [...]
Tues, Oct. 23: Final meeting to build the People’s Tribunal on U.S. Crimes Against Puerto Rico! Join us this Tuesday for a final mass meeting to build for the People’s Tribunal on U.S. Crimes Against Puerto Rico! [...]
Germany: 250,000 people reject racism, march in solidarity with immigrants By Kathleen Durkin October 19, 2018 Berlin on Oct. 13. Anti-racists marched in Berlin, 250,000-strong, in a show of force [...]
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