Hurricane hammers Florida & government protects property, not people By Devin Cole October 17, 2018 On Oct. 12, (left to right) Jamil Davis [Jamal Steele], Pensacola rapper; Ieshia Koko, [...]
Contribute to build the International Tribunal on U.S. Crimes Against Puerto Rico – OCT 27 – NYC SAT • OCT 27 • 9 am until verdict • Holyrood Church/Iglesia Santa Cruz • 715 W 179th St • NYC Dear friends, One [...]
Emergency rally for Cuba! Tuesday. Oct. 16, @ noon at UN There will be an emergency rally tomorrow, Tuesday at the UN in defense of Cuba! Rally with be noon – 3pm at Ralph [...]
Tues. Oct. 16, 16 de Octubre – Mass Organizing Meeting, Tribunal on U.S. Crimes in Puerto Rico; Reunión Organizativa, Tribunal Sobre Crimenes Estado Unidos en Puerto Rico Join us this Tuesday for a mass meeting to build for the People’s Tribunal on U.S. Crimes Against Puerto Rico! Tues [...]
NYC: Sat, Oct 13 Party for Ramona Africa’s Healthcare S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R We Are All Ramona Africa We [...]
Invitation: TUES. 10/16 Puerto Rico Tribunal planning meeting Please make every effort to join us this Tuesday for a mass meeting to build for the People’s Tribunal on U.S. Crimes [...]
Italy and USA: The political power of arms By Manlio Dinucci October 12, 2018 AW139 attack helicopter. When the Italian government announced that a financial maneuver [...]
South Koreans press for peace treaty By Deirdre Griswold October 4, 2018 Members of South Korean Peace Delegation with International Action Center supporters. [...]
PUERTO RICO: Strengthen the struggle Oct. 27 October 4, 2018 Every struggle against injustice grows stronger when we join with others to fight it. On Oct. 27 there [...]
Education workers march on Wall Street By G. Dunkel October 4, 2018 New York — More than 500 workers marched from the Stock Exchange to 100 Wall Street on [...]
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