For New York Times, profits trump politics By Fred Goldstein September 24, 2018 The Times gave a classic lesson — never rely on the liberal elements in the ruling [...]
NYC: Tues. Sept 25 South Korean Delegation at Solidarity Center – at 7pm Join us in Welcoming South Korean Peace Delegation to the UN General Assembly South Korean Peace Delegation and U.S. [...]
Western powers threaten new attack on Syria By Karin Leukefeld September 19, 2018 The U.S. airstrike on Syria on April 14 was visible from many parts of Damascus, the [...]
Hurricane Florence vortex: white supremacy, capitalism, environmental degradation By Loan Tran September 18, 2018 Durham, N.C. — The impact of Hurricane Florence, which made landfall in North Carolina on [...]
With an end in sight, more obstacles remain September 17, 2018 As the war in Syria enters its apparent end phase, it’s obvious that this country has paid a grim price [...]
New U.S. threat to Venezuela September 17, 2018 A lot of words in the corporate media this week have been devoted to remembering Sept. 11, 2001. That [...]
McDonald’s workers set historic strike against sexual abuse By Kathleen Durkin September 17, 2018 A historic strike is about to take place. On Sept. 18 at noon, McDonald’s workers in [...]
Nike’s choice of Kapernick signals POC and youth power By M. Matsemela-Ali Odom September 17, 2018 Colin Kaepernick kneels during U.S. antional anthem at NFL game. Nike announced [...]
Occupy ICE shuts down ICE in Los Angeles September 17, 2018 On Sept. 11, LA cops arrested CJ Fitisemanu (far left) and WWP member John Parker (center) for blocking [...]
In a week of actions, the ‘Decolonize Puerto Rico Tribunal’ grows By Cheryl LaBash September 17, 2018 As the current resident of the White House stokes anger by continuing to minimize the [...]
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