NYC: Tues. Oct. 10 discussion: Clarence Thomas on “Fighting white supremacy” Join Workers World Party for a special political discussion: Why the workers must fight white supremacy Special [...]
Massive immigrant raids conducted in sanctuary cities By Kathy Durkin October 2, 2017 The bigot-in-chief in the White House has intensified his aggressive, racist war on [...]
NYC: Oct 14: ‘Do It like Durham’ Forum featuring Takiyah Thompson & Loan Tran Between 6th and 7th Aves. in Manhattan Face book event page Thompson is a North Carolina Central University student who [...]
Catalonians defy Spanish cops to vote pro-independence October 2, 2017 Marching in Barcelona on Oct. 1. The Spanish state’s brutal attempt to repress the Oct. 1 referendum for [...]
NYC: Tues. Oct. 3: Protest for Puerto Rico @ Trump Towers S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R All out to Trump Towers for Puerto Rico! Tuesday, OCT 3 at 5:30 pm – 7 pm 725 5th [...]
Vietnam: Truth and ‘documentary’ September 29, 2017 The Public Broadcasting Service documentary series on the Vietnam War has provoked angry and insightful [...]
Workers battle French government’s assault By G. Dunkel September 29, 2017 In September, three major protests have taken place against President Emmanuel Macron, whose [...]
Cuba rebuilds despite U.S. blockade By Chris Fry September 27, 2017 Venezuela’s first Hurricane Irma aid to Cuba is mattresses, water supplies and canned [...]
NYC Emergency Rally for Puerto Rico: Thurs., Sept. 28 6 PM 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278 IN MANHATTAN: Broadway and Worth Street. 4,5,6 trains to Brooklyn Br/City Hall J and Z [...]
March vs. white supremacy: ‘No hate in the Bay! By Terri Kay September 26, 2017 Berkeley, Calif., Sept. 23. Against the backdrop of white supremacists making the city of [...]
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