Who’s really behind Trump, besides Trump By Deirdre Griswold July 25, 2016 The Republican National Convention produced as many flat-out lies as there are flies on a [...]
SHUT DOWN THE DNC! Shut Down the DNC! During the Democratic Party National Convention in Philadelphia on July 26: Philadelphia REAL Justice [...]
Free Chelsea Manning! By Kathy Durkin July 24, 2016 May 27 marked six years that Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning has been held in military custody. The [...]
Indict Clinton – for war crimes July 24, 2016 After FBI Director James Comey publicly scolded Hillary Clinton about the “careless” handling of her [...]
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Turkey on the July 2016 coup July 23, 2016 July 23 — Since the abortive coup of July 15 collapsed in Turkey, the government of President Recep [...]
El Salvador Amnesty Law repeal & U.S. intervention By Carl Lewis July 22, 2016 Members of the FMLN guerrilla army pose with the flag of the movement. By a 4 to 1 vote, the [...]
South Koreans protest U.S. missile system By Lyn Neeley July 22, 2016 South Korean farmers protest U.S. missile system, July 13. “We oppose THAAD with our lives!” [...]
One union: Labor against racism By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 21, 2016 Philando Castile’s “death by cop,” along with that of Alton Sterling, has [...]
Black Lives Matter marches on By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 20, 2016 Brooklyn, N.Y. July 18 — Outrage over the unchecked police killing of people of color [...]
Nice and the question of ‘terrorism’ By G. Dunkel July 21, 2016 More than 100,000 people were at a Bastille Day fireworks display in Nice on the French Riviera [...]
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