France: Workers battling labor law occupy refineries By G. Dunkel May 24, 2016 Some 220,000 workers hit the streets May 17, with thousands more on picket lines, blockading fuel [...]
Venezuela declares emergency: Support Bolivarian Revolution By Berta Joubert-Ceci May 24, 2016 From the Ayacucho Hall of Miraflores Palace, Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro held [...]
Fort McMurray fire: An ecological and financial disaster for workers By G. Dunkel May 23, 2016 The fire that began on May 1 southwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, has consumed over a [...]
While states pass anti-abortion laws, Supreme Court sidesteps birth control challenge By Sue Davis May 23, 2016 The Supreme Court on May 16 separated the consolidated case of Zubik v. Burwell and referred [...]
Environmental, Indigenous groups protest climate change By Jim McMahan May 23, 2016 Anacortes, Wash. – From May 13 through May 15, the group “Break Free Pacific Northwest” [...]
Verizon strike demonstrates its effectiveness By Martha Grevatt May 23, 2016 May 22 — “While union workers insist that the strike will impair the company’s customer [...]
‘Solidarity Forever’ means in the bathroom, too! May 19, 2016 Everywhere nowadays — on the car radio, the TV at the gym or CNN at home — really loud voices are [...]
Boston Verizon strikers hold mass march By Stevan Kirschbaum May 19, 2016 Nearly 1,000 strikers and their supporters demonstrated their rock-solid determination to [...]
Verizon strikers fight for all workers By Kathy Durkin May 19, 2016 For more than a month, Verizon workers in the company’s landline and broadband FIOS sectors [...]
NYC: MON, May 23, 7pm: Report from Ukraine: Resistance to Fascism and U.S.- NATO Expansion Report from Ukraine: Resistance to Fascism and US-NATO Expansion Please join us for a conversation and a dinner with [...]
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