Support French General Strike Dear Friends, French unions, students, unemployed youth, and undocumented workers are in a powerful battle to defend their [...]
NYC: June 10: Rally for Rasmea Odeh S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R For the people who can’t travel to Detroit, the Committee to Stop FBI [...]
NYC, June 14: Reportback from Mumia delegation in France Report back from U.S. solidarity delegation to 10th anniversary celebration of Rue Mumia-Abu Jamal in Saint-Denis France, [...]
African Americans remain ‘locked-out’ By Abayomi Azikiwe June 8, 2016 In its 2016 report on the “State of Black America,” the National Urban League, one of [...]
Cuomo tries to quash BDS movement By Joe Catron June 8, 2016 Before marching in the annual “Celebrate Israel” parade in Manhattan on June 5, New York Gov. [...]
Fort Dix 5 – Islamophobia crushes justice By Joseph Piette June 8, 2016 Camden, N.J. – Brothers Eljvir, Dritan and Shain Duka were convicted eight years ago of [...]
NYC , June 17: Solidarity with Independence of Puerto Rico DIA DE SOLIARIDAD CON LA INDEPENDENCIA DE PUERTO RICO FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center Auditorium 1199 [...]
Workers say French anti-labor law must go By G. Dunkel June 7, 2016 In New York City, supporters of the French workers will gather near the French Consulate at 934 [...]
A fighter against war and racism By Abayomi Azikiwe June 7, 2016 Muhammad Ali and President Kwame Nkrumah. Muhammad Ali died June 3 after a decades-long [...]
The People’s Champ — beautiful, brilliant and great By Larry Hales June 7, 2016 Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali The champ has passed. “The Greatest” has gone. Muhammad Ali is [...]
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