Muhammad Ali’s legacy: He ‘shook the world’ By Monica Moorehead June 7, 2016 Muhammed Ali in Kinshasa, Zaire (Congo) in 1974. Moorehead is the 2016 presidential [...]
#FREEJASMINE By Scott Scheffer June 7, 2016 Jasmine Richardson Bulletin: On June 7, Superior Court Judge Elaine Lu sentenced Jasmine [...]
Verizon strike wins victory for all workers By Martha Grevatt June 7, 2016 June 6 — After 45 days on the picket line, 39,000 striking Verizon workers went back to [...]
LGBTQ Pride in fight-back June 7, 2016 Youth in Buffalo, N.Y., support Black Lives Matter and blast violence against trans people. June is the month [...]
African liberation struggles drove Portugal’s April 1974 revolution By John Catalinotto June 3, 2016 It was April of 1974. A popular folk song serving as a secret signal to the captains in [...]
Trump rally, cops and protest By Zola Rices-Muhammad June 2, 2016 Anti-Trump protesters stream across Harbor Drive Bridge, San Diego. Families from San [...]
Black Lives Matter, the elections and self-determination By Lamont Lilly June 2, 2016 Let’s be honest, Bernie Sanders and his campaign of “democratic socialism” have struck a [...]
Thousands march on McDonald’s for $15/hr and a union By Joseph Piette June 1, 2016 Despite heavy rains and winds, fast food workers and their supporters converged May 25 on [...]
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