Dangers of NATO’s intervention in refugee crisis By G. Dunkel March 30, 2016 The intensity and dangers of the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa have caused [...]
Five years into Libyan disaster, sham ‘unity’ regime creates further divisions NATO bombs Tripoli, Spring 2011. By Abayomi Azikiwe March 31, 2016 Five years after the U.S.-led destabilization and bombing [...]
Michigan struggles expose failure of ruling-class policies By Abayomi Azikiwe March 28, 2016 Members of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions, and Utility [...]
Fighting gentrification in New York City Imani Henry The following is adapted from an interview with Imani Henry, of Equality for Flatbush, on the struggle against [...]
Latin America Briefs By Berta Joubert-Ceci March 29, 2016 Colombia Thousands of people took to the streets in Bogota and in more than 100 other [...]
What does the Brazilian crisis teach us? By Olmedo Beluche March 29, 2016 The author is a Panamanian sociologist and political activist. A huge political crisis [...]
Queer and trans* people of color challenge North Carolina’s repressive HB2 March 28, 2016 By L.T. Pham and Q. Wideman Raleigh, N.C. On March 23, the North Carolina General Assembly fast-tracked House [...]
Who caused Flint water scandal? By Martha Grevatt March 27, 2016 Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder must have a lot of bruises on his legs or behind. “I kick [...]
Women and the Nicaraguan Revolution By Carl Lewis March 24, 2016 Thousands of women fighters transformed gender roles within the context of the Nicaraguan [...]
1937 Detroit: Women autoworkers ‘hold the fort’ By Martha Grevatt March 24, 2016 Detroit — 1937 was the year of the sit-down strike. Hundreds of occupations of plants and [...]
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