U.S. war on Russia: a stampede off a cliff Bulletin: As of Feb. 22, Russia has recognized the two peoples’ republics in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, the [...]
Stop US NATO War Provocations! /Watch Saved Webinar Now, more than ever, we need to take action to expose US involvement in the Ukraine crisis. At an on-line meeting last [...]
Berlin antiwar rally exposes Washington’s lies By John Catalinotto February 25, 2022 Despite gale warnings, the Berlin Peace Coordination drew a thousand people to a Feb. [...]
NO WAR! NO SANCTIONS! NO NATO! February 24, 2022 The International Action Center joins with the many antiwar and anti-imperialist organizations, here and [...]
Who gains from a war in Europe? U.S. targets supply of Russian gas to Europe February 24, 2022 By Manuel Raposo Raposo is editor of the Portuguese website jornalmudardevida.net, which published this [...]
U.S. lies grease a path to war February 22, 2022 The first casualty of war is truth. The famous ancient Greek playwright, Aeschylus, allegedly said this in [...]
Not Another U.S. War! Demo TOMORROW @3PM: Grand Central Terminal, NYC DANGER! Not Another U.S. War! SATURDAY, February 19, 2022, at 3 PM Inside GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL, At the Clock, Park [...]
Ukraine crisis: who fabricates a war, and how? By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein The author is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of [...]
Stop the U.S. war machine! By Minnie Bruce Pratt February 8, 2022 During the week of Jan. 30 to Feb. 6., an ad hoc coalition of U.S. anti-imperialist [...]
U.S.-EU hide their role in Afghan hunger crisis By Zach Kerner February 7, 2022 On Jan. 24, U.S. and European Union representatives met with representatives of the Taliban [...]
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