Beware U.S. imperialism’s war on Iran February 5, 2024 Will the escalation in bombing by the U.S. and British air forces against people in Syria, Iraq and Yemen [...]
Help IAC continue mobilizing against war & for social justice in 2024! Dear friends, The organizing and advocacy work of the International Action Center continues. It is [...]
Which forces promote Israeli terrorism? December 12, 2023 U.S.-armed Israel’s mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza has brought a new element to world [...]
No to bigotry, no to war! December 7, 2023 The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a ruling Nov. 30 that banned the “international LGBT [...]
Kissinger and the class he served By John Catalinotto December 5, 2023 When a leading political figure of U.S. imperialism, someone hated by hundreds of [...]
Protests denounce U.S.-NATO war in Ukraine By Dave Welsh October 10, 2023 San Francisco The Peace in Ukraine Coalition called twin demonstrations here on Oct. 4 [...]
Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti By Steve Gillis October 5, 2023 Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises [...]
Voices grow louder: ‘Free Julian Assange!’ By Otis Grotewohl October 5, 2023 Australian journalist Julian Assange continues to face threats of extradition from U.S. [...]
Make the firebombs boomerang: Take Cuba off ‘terrorist’ list! October 4, 2023 It’s already out of the headlines. But its message still holds. We’re discussing the incendiary devices [...]
One of 60 planned actions Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands By Richie Marino October 4, 2023 Protesters leave CNN headquarters at Columbus Circle in Manhattan to walk in the street and [...]
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