Climate change and COVID-19 on Earth Day 2020 By Betsey Piette April 16, 2020 If there is a silver lining to be found in the horrific coronavirus pandemic, it may be that [...]
National antiwar conference builds unity, plans next steps By Scott Williams February 26, 2020 New York Over 300 activists and organizers from across the U.S. and Canada met here on [...]
Big Oil and Gas spread the ‘Big Lie’ about toxic waste By Betsey Piette February 14, 2020 Hydraulic fracturing, known as “fracking,” is the process of forcing chemical-laden [...]
Australia: The fire this time By Mumia Abu-Jamal February 5, 2020 Taken from a Jan. 26 audio recording posted on Tongues of fire licked [...]
U.N. report shows how People’s China cleaned Beijing’s air By Joshua Hanks January 22, 2020 The United Nations Environment Programme recently released a report called “UN [...]
Capitalist growth and social change By Deirdre Griswold December 17, 2019 Growth Every day, the price of stocks on Wall Street go up and down depending on the [...]
Pope Francis warns on nuclear weapons; official Italy silent By John Catalinotto December 11, 2019 Published in Il Manifesto on Nov. 26. Translation by John Catalinotto. Italy’s [...]
Protest disrupts football game over climate crisis By Monica Moorehead December 6, 2019 During halftime at the classic Yale and Harvard football game on Nov. 23 in New Haven, [...]
Why U.S. imperialism hates Evo Morales November 12, 2019 A look at these excerpts from Bolivian President Evo Morales’s speech to the U.N. General Assembly on [...]
The real enemies of the planet By Deirdre Griswold October 29, 2019 A map of the world, recently circulated online, claims to identify the world’s worst [...]
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