Toward a Popular Salvation Front in Spain April 6, 2020 Red Network, a communist, anti-imperialist organization that sees socialism as the only way out of the [...]
China and Cuba lead in curbing pandemic By Lyn Neeley March 26, 2020 Chinese doctors answer desperate call from Italy for medical help. China and Cuba have made [...]
Cuba on the front lines of fighting COVID-19 By Mirinda Crissman March 24, 2020 Cuba continues to illustrate international health care solidarity in its response to the [...]
Can workers in Spain stop EU limit on social spending for COVID-19 crisis? By Ángeles Maestro March 17, 2020 Red Network, Madrid Ángeles Maestro is a public health doctor, a leader of the Red [...]
Washington’s war drive bumps into COVID-19 By John Catalinotto March 16, 2020 March 15 — The Pentagon’s plans to practice war conflicted with the spread of [...]
French anti-worker pension plan becomes law without a vote By G. Dunkel March 12, 2020 Hundreds of thousands of people have been in the streets protesting for months. Transportation [...]
Italy’s war policy is tied tighter to Pentagon By Manlio Dinucci February 7, 2020 Published in the Italian daily Il Manifesto on Feb. 4. Translation by John Catalinotto. [...]
After Brexit, will Britain become U.S. puppet? By G. Dunkel February 7, 2020 At the stroke of 11 p.m. on Jan. 31, Britain was no longer part of the European Union and free [...]
Workers in France say ‘No!’ to government attack on retirement plan By G. Dunkel January 30, 2020 In France 1.3 million workers and their supporters struck, marched and protested Jan. 24 [...]
French and African workers, unite! January 21, 2020 The working class of France has a proud history of struggle. The Paris Commune, established in March 1871 [...]
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