China reacts with zero tolerance for racist incidents By Joshua Hanks May 12, 2020 Reports surfaced in April of cases of discrimination against African workers in the southern [...]
In HaitiICE is spreading COVID-19 By G. Dunkel May 11, 2020 Haitians forced to get water from a spigot for sanitation. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, [...]
How Vietnam has won again – this time vs. the virus By Joshua Hanks May 11, 2020 Billboards in Vietnam help raise people’s awareness of COVID-19 prevention. No deaths have [...]
COVID-19 strike wave enters third month By Martha Grevatt May 11, 2020 Workers at 50 locations across Florida struck McDonald’s, Starbucks and other fast-food [...]
Changing the narrative in Lansing, Mich. May 11, 2020 On May 7, a breath of fresh air entered Lansing, Mich., the first since ultrarightist gangs — with the [...]
Protesters say: ‘Shelters = Death, Hotels = Haven’ By Joe Piette May 6, 2020 Cops stop activists from delivering demands to a city official’s home. After the COVID-19 deaths [...]
COVID-19 = genocide for Detroit By Martha Grevatt May 6, 2020 Michigan State Representatives Jewell Jones and Isaac Robinson, co-sponsors of a bill for a [...]
Pandemic has hastened capitalism’s end stage; the rest is up to us! – an analysis/ Pandemia ha acelerado etapa final del capitalismo — ¡El resto depende de nosotros! – un análisis By Larry Holmes May 8, 2020 Pandemia ha acelerado etapa final del capitalismo — ¡El resto depende de nosotros! – un [...]
What the statistics reveal about Trump, China and the virus By Deirdre Griswold May 4, 2020 May 4 — The Trump administration is trying to deflect anger at its dangerously neglectful [...]
‘Get back to work!’ – Trump tells meatpacking workers facing COVID-19 threat to their lives May 4, 2020 The Southern Workers Assembly “Safe Jobs Save Lives” campaign released this statement on May 2 after the [...]
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