Economic rescue bill reveals class conflict By John Catalinotto March 25, 2020 March 23 — The emergency $1.8 trillion rescue bill for the combination COVID-19 and [...]
Rank-and-file autoworkers win fight for safety By Martha Grevatt March 24, 2020 Working in an auto plant is a dangerous job. From slippery floors to toxic chemicals to [...]
With COVID-19 a prison sentence = death sentence By Joe Piette March 24, 2020 Prisons are concentration camps for the poor — disproportionately Black, Brown, Indigenous, [...]
Rikers prisoners strike: Free ‘em all/Shut down prisons By Mirinda Crissman March 24, 2020 While the history of captivity remains a stain on this society, those directly affected [...]
Cuba on the front lines of fighting COVID-19 By Mirinda Crissman March 24, 2020 Cuba continues to illustrate international health care solidarity in its response to the [...]
Egypt and COVID-19: Hold General Sisi accountable for health disaster in Egypt Those who have undersigned this letter hold accountable General Abdelfattah El-Sisi to the continued health disaster cause [...]
Boston school bus drivers win emergency full pay during school closure By Steve Gillis March 23, 2020 Gillis is the financial secretary of United Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus [...]
Anti-Asian racism accelerates By Minnie Bruce Pratt March 23, 2020 March 22 — As the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic accelerates in the U.S. — amid [...]
Shame on you, Mayor de Blasio By Monica Moorehead March 23, 2020 The National Basketball Association was the first of all the professional U.S. sports [...]
Call TODAY! Close Rikers to prevent COVID-19 Spread Call Governor Cuomo & Mayor DeBlasio TODAY to demand: #CloseRikers now in response to COVID-19! #FreeEmAll ^^^ Share [...]
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