Migrant rights movement can stop deportations, arrests By Teresa Gutierrez June 26, 2018 San Diego People all over the U.S. are up in arms with righteous indignation. From every [...]
Statement from FIRE: Fight for refugees and im/migrants everywhere! By a guest author June 26, 2018 Resistance is rising to fight U.S. atrocities against im/migrants and refugees, with massive [...]
‘Keep families together!’ Protests around the U.S. Philadelphia: ‘Keep families together!’ By Joseph Piette June 20, 2018 Over 100 people protested outside a U.S. [...]
As feds rip families apart, firestorm erupts over ICE terror By Taryn Fivek June 20, 2018 Pictures on social media and television of children in Immigration and Customs Enforcement [...]
Colorado rally urges ‘zero tolerance’ for family separation By Viviana Weinstein June 17, 2018 Hundreds turn out to protest ICE separating parents from children. Aurora, Colo. — [...]
LGBTQ Pride smashes white supremacy June 13, 2018 Roxana Hernández (center). As of the beginning of June, LGBTQ Pride month, 13 trans people have been murdered [...]
June 30: Join FIRE at the “End Family Separation” NYC Rally and March Join us, FIRE- Fight for Im/migrants & Refugees Everywhere, Workers World Party and others, this Saturday to be in the [...]
In Italy, racist government unstable June 9, 2018 Pozzallo, Sicily. Some Italians welcome refugees. After nearly three months of political maneuvering, two [...]
May Day actions show global class struggle By Kathy Durkin May 18, 2018 Barcelona, Spain Proudly, the workers of the world marched on May Day. Millions walked out of [...]
May Day 2018: A day of solidarity with im/migrants and all workers By Kathy Durkin May 4, 2018 May Day — International Workers Day — is celebrated around the world, including in the [...]
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