Coast-to-coast rallies demand: Keep U.S. Postal Service viable By Joe Piette June 26, 2020 Rallies demanding the U.S. Senate approve funding that would “SAVE OUR POSTAL SERVICE” were [...]
Denying health crisis won’t save jobs By G. Dunkel June 25, 2020 June 21 – For the thirteenth week in a row, the number of initial claims the Bureau of Labor [...]
Seattle longshore workers stop work on Juneteenth By Jim McMahan June 22, 2020 Seattle Longshore workers and supporters in Seattle marched on Juneteenth ((June 19, 1865, is [...]
Juneteenth: ILWU shuts down 29 ports along the West Coast By Judy Greenspan June 22, 2020 Oakland, Calif. Taking bold stands against systemic racism and oppression is nothing new [...]
Finishing the unfinished revolution — from Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter By Larry Holmes June 22, 2020 The following is a slightly edited talk given June 19 by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party [...]
STEM workers join call to ‘Strike for Black Lives’ By calvin deutschbein June 21, 2020 Panelists from VanguardSTEM event. STEM has been a uniquely privileged field for years, [...]
Labor vs. police: Learning from working-class history By Martha Grevatt June 19, 2020 GM strikers battle police on Jan. 11, 1937. Led by oppressed youth, a working-class revolt [...]
Racism, lack of jobs as workers face social pandemic By G. Dunkel June 15, 2020 June 12 — On June 5, President Donald Trump was over the moon with joy. The numbers were [...]
Stop exploiting J-1 cultural workers June 13, 2020 By Aleris Villegas and Lyn Neeley Each year about 300,000 cultural exchange workers — students, scholars [...]
FTP! Cops out of labor movement, youth in! June 9, 2020 The American Federation of Labor was founded in 1886 and the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1935. [...]
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