Bay Area protests: ‘Stop killings and repression in the Philippines!’ By Judy Greenspan November 26, 2019 A series of events in the Bay Area and around the U.S. have put the spotlight on [...]
Workers win first union contract at Iowa General Mills plan By Mike Kuhlenbeck November 22, 2019 The workers at the General Mills plant here ratified their first union contract on Nov. [...]
Fast food workers organize ‘McStrike’ in eight countries By Martha Grevatt November 22, 2019 Close to 1,000 McDonald’s and other fast food workers and supporters held a noisy [...]
McDonald’s workers take on sexual harassment with class action lawsuits By Kathy Durkin November 22, 2019 While hundreds of McDonald’s workers walked off the job in Michigan on Nov. 12 to demand [...]
Yellow Vest protests show anger remains in France By G. Dunkel November 21, 2019 Some 40,000 Yellow Vest supporters came out in the French streets Nov. 16 to protest in Paris [...]
NYC: Mon. Nov. 18: Protest Wendy’s to Support Immokalee Farmworkers Join dozens of farmworkers from Immokalee, FL, their children and hundreds of allies in demanding real transparency and [...]
After U.S.-backed coup in Bolivia, Indigenous, workers resist By John Catalinotto November 12, 2019 Nov. 12 — From La Paz, journalist Marco Teruggi writes that 24 hours after the [...]
Philippines: Stop Trade Union Repression! Unionizing is a Right! Free Our Unionists! The Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) on behalf of all its member federations and allied unions in the Philippine labor movement ask [...]
TWU Local 100 rallies for fair contract By Mary P. Kaessinger November 6, 2019 Over 10,000 transit workers, members of Transport Workers Local 100, rallied on Oct. [...]
NYC: Thurs. Nov. 7 Forum: Cuba, Chicago Teachers Strike and NYPD Violence in the Subway Public Forum Thursday, November 7, 7pm @ the Solidarity Center, 147 W. 24 St. 2nd Fl, NYC Solidarity with Cuba: The World [...]
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